Folderator by camerabuddy is a handy mac application for organising smart folder structures on photo shoots. It automatically creates subfolders with your chosen suffixes (RAW, JPG, TIF,...)
→ Create sequences of folders (Motif01, Motif02, Motif03,...) with a click.
→ Choose which number to start with (if not 1).
→ Sequences with 2 or 3 digits possible (Motif01, Motif001).
→ Create as many subfolders you like (Motif01_RAW, Motif01_JPG, Motif01_TIF, Motif01_edit,...).
→ super fast 2-click-option for a new folder+1.
Create root folders with different names at a time.
Use the speed function if you are in a hurry.
It will create a root folder named Motif01 with chosen subfolders. If Motif01 already exists it will automatically create the upper next. Cool, eh?
Feel free to download FOLDERATOR for MacOS.
Promised, you'll love it! If you do, you may click on the donation button ;-)
NOTE: Please make sure to give permissions to install and to run the application in the MacOS security settings!
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